QueryTracker Blog

Helping Authors Find Literary Agents

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Publishing: The Musical

Okay, QT's, today is the last day to enter the Can You Query a Tune? Contest. I will keep submissions open through 6 pm EST, since I won't be around until this evening. We've gotten some wonderful entries already and I can tell it will be hard to choose a winner.

I received a question from one author who was having trouble creating a link in the comments. If you are having trouble posting your entry for any reason, please feel free to email me. My address is listed in the sidebar. Just include "Query a Tune" in the subject heading.

Meanwhile, in honor of musical queries, here's a musical rendition of the way publishing SHOULD work. Take a couple minutes to watch. I'll wait. :)

Okay, everybody feeling cheerful and inspired now? Great!

Now, don't forget: the Can You Query a Tune? Contest winner will receive a copy of Agent Demystified by Authoress of Miss Snark's First Victim.

H. L. Dyer, M.D. writes women's fiction and works as the Clinical and Academic Director for the Hospitalist Program at a pediatric teaching hospital near Chicago. In addition to all things literary, she enjoys experimental cooking and composing impromptu parodies to annoy close friends and family. Click to visit her personal blog, Trying to Do the Write Thing.


Anonymous said...

hahahaha...I'm still laughing over that video!!! Thanks.

B.J. Anderson said...

That video was awesome.

Chas Hathaway said...

What are you talking about? That's exactly how publishing works! ...well, minus all the good parts, and plus a bunch of soul-wrenching parts that weren't really brought up, plus about seventeen rejections... otherwise it's exactly how it goes, dances and all!

- Chas

Tess said...

Too funny! I love my friends who say "which publishing house are you going to choose?"

As if!

Unknown said...

Oh that is hilarious! That made my day! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love that video! Thanks for sharing!

Mary Lindsey / Marissa Clarke said...

Thanks, Heather. I just had to watch that a second time for grins. So...realistic.