QueryTracker Blog

Helping Authors Find Literary Agents

Sunday, May 17, 2009

QueryTracker Turns Two!

That's right. It's like a proud parent moment. Except I am not the parent, and well, Querytracker.net isn't a kid. But it's the same excitement!

Because we're having a party!

Click on the picture below for more details.

Oh, and there's also a little blog chain contest going on. The grand prize of this hulla-baloo is a FREE CUSTOM WEBSITE designed by the awesome Carolyn Kaufman and QT's daddy, Patrick McDonald. That's right. FREE. (They're the Purple Squirrel Web Designers. Check 'em out.)

You want that, don't you? Um, yeah.

You get one entry into the grand prize drawing for every contest you enter. (Details on the carnival page, click below.) You can also get another entry by helping us advertise!

Simply make a post like this one you're reading on your blog. Make sure to use the wicked fun graphic and direct them to the carnival page for more deets. Then come back here and leave a comment with your link and real name. Or email your link with your real name to elanajohnson (at) querytracker (dot) net, or any of us on the QT blog team (all email addresses are right over there on the right).

I'll make sure you get in the drawing.

Be sure to tell your readers to EMAIL ME (or comment here) their link and real name so I can put their name in the drawing. You can link to this post so everyone knows how to make sure they're entered for the FREE WEBSITE!

And hurry! You must have your blog post up by next Saturday, May 23 to get the extra entry.

Spread the word! Win a website!


Teresa said...

I'm not able to click through to a Carnival page. Is the link perhaps not working?

Teresa said...

Looks like I'll be the guinea pig for this experiment. Here's the link to my blog with the carnival graphic and information. Oh, and Teresa Rhyne is my real name.


Mary Lindsey / Marissa Clarke said...

Hi, Teresa. Woo hoo! You're the first one to enter. Congrats! I'm not sure why the link isn't working in Elana's post. The info is here: http://querytracker.net/carnival

Suzette Saxton said...

The link worked for me; perhaps Elana fixed it. ;)

Patrick said...

The link has been fixed. Thanks Teresa for letting us know, and good luck in the contest.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

I've linked you! And perfect timing on my blog, I might say. Thanks for entering me and I'll be sure to check back for the contests.;-)

AJ Richardson said...

Alisha Richardson

Anonymous said...

I posted on my blogs, my live journal, and facebook.


(this one also shows up on jacketflap blogs)



Wendy Martin

Anonymous said...

Why only link it once? I've got three up so far (and hopefully can add more!)




Makes me miss my old facebook and MySpace pages. . .

Cheers, Ash

Elana Johnson said...

Thanks for fixing the link, Pat! Great posts you guys! Woot! :)

Anonymous said...

Just thought that I would let you know that I've awarded the QT blog
the "one lovely blog award".

In the same post I have included a link to the carnival page ^^


My real name is Yilin Wang.

C.J. Redwine said...

My link (and lovely graphic!) are up. Real name is C.J. Redwine. :)

Rebecca Knight said...

Here's my entry:


I'm so excited! Thanks for the great contests, and Happy Anniversary QT!

-Rebecca Knight

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

Congratulations on two years, Query Tracker!

I posted a link on my blog:


Great idea to have a party, by the way.

Amy Sonnichsen

Anonymous said...

I posted, Elana!
Stephanie Boman

Henya said...

Congratulations on the two year mark. Well deserved. LIve till 110.

Liz Kales - I Love Books and Writers said...

I've put an advertisement on my blog about the contest and your wonderful website but I can't get the Carnival logo to upload. It's so gorgeous, I wish I could.

kerribookwriter said...


Consider the word spread! Here's my blog link:


or just


Can't wait to have a blast with all the upcoming events!

Kerri Nelson

Abby Annis said...

Here's my entry:



Abby Annis

Jeannette said...

Did it! Glad to be of service...


Jeannette is my real name (Jeannette Cook in case you need that too)

Anonymous said...

Hi! What a great idea! I linked you at:



-Mercedes M. Yardley

Anonymous said...


Happy Birthday, QT!
VB Tremper

Anonymous said...

Here's another one:


VB Tremper

jdsanc said...

Party On!

My anagram mania made me almost miss it!


As always, thanks for all the great posts!

Anonymous said...

I've posted the graphic linked to the website, but it doesn't seem to work one-hundred percent of the time, so I've also posted the link below the graphic. Hope that's okay!

My real name is Kimberly Longhofer, and thank you for this wonderful opportunity! =)

Christina Farley said...

I posted it on my blog: www.christinafarley.blogspot.com


Cynde L. Hammond said...

Hi there!

I just wanted to make sure that I posted my information to the right place, because I see that people are posting it here:

I posted my ads for "Query Tracker Turns Two" on both of my blogs:

"Cynde's Got the Write Stuff" @ http://cyndes-got-the-write-stuff.blogspot.com/ ~and~

"Cynde's Daybook" @ http://cyndesdaybook.blogspot.com/

My name is: Cynde L. Hammond

Happy Birthday, Query Tracker! I hope you don't have the "TERRIBLE TWOS!" :o)
