Is there an agent you absolutely love? Now’s your chance to show your appreciation! As part of the QueryTracker Second Anniversary Carnival Celebrations, we are accepting nominations of literary agents to hold the title of QueryTracker Queen and King. (Sort of like Homecoming K&Q; they’ll preside over our celebrations.) SEND YOUR NOMINATIONS TO ME, SUZY, and be sure to tell me why you think they deserve to be royalty. My email address is in the sidebar to the right of this post. You CAN nominate more than one agent.
Over the next few weeks, you can win some awesome prizes including free QT Premium Memberships, a free query critique from Lindsay Davis of Writer’s House, and a grand prize of a free website from Purple Squirrel Web Design , among others. Be sure to check this blog or the Carnival Page on the QueryTracker main site for all the latest info. Our first contest, Purple Prose, opens tomorrow. Details on how to enter will be posted here this afternoon.
Want to improve your chances of winning the website? (It’s a $600 value!) Post a link to our celebrations in your blog! Be sure to include the cool graphics. Check here for instructions.
Later today we’ll reveal the...
So be sure to keep your eye on the blog.
Have a fantastic and fun week!
I would like to nominate Donald Maas. He rejected my query, but took the time to hand-write a letter on his own stationary and put his own stamp on an envelope. That letter not only complemented me on my writing style, but gave positive suggestions on how to improve my project. Then, when I ran into him at BEA, he not only remembered me but critiqued the work even further.
Add to this the insane amount of time he spends attending conferences and teaching seminars to help authors he'll never agent, and I believe he's a perfect candidate.
Thanks so much, Ann!
I'd like to nominate Janet Reid. She critiques queries at Query Shark, is rumored to be the beloved Miss Snark and is just a darn nice person.
Example: She edited the first chapter of my novel to show how much faster it could move by trimming words here and whole sentences there. Best rejection I've ever had!
Thank you, Jamie!
I sent you an email, too, but I'd like to nominate Lucienne Diver, whose rejection letter to me started with "It's killing me that I didn't fall in love with your ms..." and then went on to say lots of nice things and request the full of #2 ms.
And I'd like to nominate Lois Winston, who gives the best ever online classes and who very kindly looked at the partials of both my mss and gave me lots of contructive feedback (along with a very nice no thank you).
I'd like to nominate Kristen Nelson. Her blog has been consistently one of the most useful I've read in the industry, and her live querying workshop (which I attended three years ago) is second to none.
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