Leap and the net will appear. This Zen phrase has been cropping up in odd places in my life lately, most recently on a scrolling marquis at the dinosaur museum as I drove past. And it made me think. How can we as writers put this into practice?
The biggest hurdle. First, let's take a look at the biggest hurdle. I spoke with Bree Despain, author of The Dark Divine, at a local bookstore. We were discussing her journey to publication, and she made a comment that struck me: "The hardest part about getting published is finding an agent; once you achieve that, things get easier." Many of you who follow this blog are striving to find an agent, and I want you to realize that just by being here, by learning all you can about this industry, you are improving your chances of success. You are already on your way to surmounting the biggest hurdle.
The trait you need most. I've heard this time and time again from authors, agents, editors, etc. In order to succeed in this biz you need perseverance. To quote bestselling author Jodi Picoult, "Writing is grunt work - you need to have self-motivation, perseverance, and faith… talent is the smallest part of it." Perseverance is something we blogged about in 7 Characteristics You Need to Get Published. So if you run into a wall, don't give up - figure out how to climb over it.
Dare to Be Remarkable. If you don't believe in yourself, why should an agent or editor take a chance on you? The key is to go forth with confidence in all you do. How? Here's a good place to start: Commit one act of bravery per day. Comment on an agent's blog, join a discussion in a forum, make contact with an author you admire, query your dream agent. Before long, these daily acts of bravery will become second nature, and you'll discover that you have built the bridges that will lead to your success.
Go ahead - make the leap!
Good post today Suzette! Thank you! "Leap and a net will appear" is now going up on my inspiration board! :D
What inspirational advice. Just what I needed today, thanks, Suzette.
Happy Monday!
Happy Monday - and Happy March - to you, Tere!
Valerie, thanks for putting me up on your inspiration board. I'm all smiles. :)
Loved this post, Suzette. Fantastic advice that I needed today. Thanks!
Great way to point out faith is KEY.
Love the point about when you face a wall, find a way to climb over it. FANTASTIC!
Thank you!
Love the dare. I think that's what I need right now. I finished a book last night, and a lot resonated with me, especially in the afterword. I should actually follow through and send some fan mail.
Thanks for a great, motivational post, Suzette!
I love that quote. I'm going to print it out and hang it above my desk. And thanks for the great advice. I'm currently seeking an agent to represent me and my work and it is so frustrating. Especially since my book has already been contracted with a publisher. I know it's good enough, it's just finding the right agent who will believe in me. That's where the perseverance comes into play. Pushing forward.
More upliftance! I love it! We all need a dose here and there.
"Dare to be remarkable"" I copied that paragraph where I'll see it every day. Thanks, Suzette. (This is my act of bravery for today!)
Suzette: This was my mantra when I left teaching for the writer's life. I've never regretted it. The net DOES appear! Thanks for the post.
I love this post and try to live this way every day -- thanks Suzette!
Thanks, everyone, for your uplifting comments. I'm thrilled! You guys inspire me every day.
Feywriter, I would love to know which book made such an impression.
I love all of your advice! Lots of great quotes in this post.
If I can count commenting on an agent's blog as an act of bravery, I'm pretty reckless today.
Suzette, the book was Ariel by Steven R. Boyett. The cover caught my eye. So glad I got it.
Oooh, fabulous post, Suzette! :) :)
Thanks for the great post, Suzette! It's just what I needed. :)
I think this is a killer post, Suzette, and one that I'm sure a lot of people appreciate. I know I do!
Thanks for the wonderful post, Suzette! Just what I needed to hear today. :)
:) :) :) Aw shucks... :) :) :)
Yes, very inspirational...I must agree. And, so so true. It is a difficult journey we have chosen, but it is do-able. We can do hard things!
Great advice as always. Thanks for the reminder to persevere!
Thank you for this! It's just what I needed to hear right now. :)
I'm placing this post in my writer's tool kit! Thank you...
I loved the quote, but my first thought was that it meant leap and the INTERnet will appear. I laughed when it was actually referring to a good old-fashioned net. So glad it was a blog filled with good advice instead of ways the internet fills our lives!!
I love the instruction to commit one act of bravery each day. Perfect!
"Difficult but do-able." I like that! I'm glad you all are finding this useful.
LOL, Valerie! I didn't even think of the double meaning, but you are so right. :)
PERSEVERANCE is the most important. Absolutely.
Thanks for this, Suzette! I know it's true, but I need it pounded into my skull sometimes. LOL
Love the quote and the pic - even though the thought scares the bejeepers out of me! :)
I needed this post and I thank you for it.
I went back and read the 7 Traits post, as well.
I too will post the advice Dare to be Remarkable.
Glad you liked it! :)
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