I love the Olympics. I spend half my time wiping tears from my eyes during the coverage. To watch people achieve greatness that pushes the limits of the human body's ability moves me. It evidently moves others too because there is a big jump in ice skating lesson enrollment after the Winter Games and gymnastics classes boom after the Summer Games.
Because seeing others achieve greatness inspires us.
As writers, we need to seek out sources of inspiration. I don't mean just for premises. I'm referring to the kind of things that motivate us to keep pushing and learning our craft. To inspire us to not give up. Something or someone to give us a shove when we stall out.
Who or what is that for you?
For me, I have my amazing blog author peeps here, on QT, who kick my backside when I need it. I also belong to several local writers' organizations that hold monthly meetings. Just hearing about others' successes and difficulties inspires me to keep plodding along.
Recently, I hosted a retreat at my river house for twenty writers in various stages of the business from multi-published to aspiring. We had brainstorming sessions and brought in a creativity coach. We all came away with renewed enthusiasm. It's contagious, I tell you.
Writing is a lonely business at times. I want solitude and quiet when I write, but I've learned that it's the in-between times that are critical to my productivity at the keyboard.
Don't do this alone. Find something or someone that inspires you to keep going. Join a writers' forum like the one on QueryTracker. Become a member of a local writers' group.
Find inspiration for the in-between times.
Wishing everyone a fantastic, inspired week.
Great post.
You're so right. I love my time with fellow writers in crit groups, or just hanging out with them at a coffee shop, talking.
It keeps me inspired and motivated.
Thanks for this post. Have a great day.
Great Post!
That's why I love all my writer friends. They know the right things to say, and cheer me on when I pick myself up and push on. Even my husband, who knows nothing about writing fiction, is super supportive. They help me believe in myself and my writing. I couldn't imagine being a writer without them. :)
You're so right. It's easy to give up when you don't have people around you that encourage you. I love my critique group. They're not just there for me when it comes time to mull over a manuscript, but give me daily encouragement. Great Post.
It's always comforting to be around people who are like you. Who've been where you're trying to go, or where you've been.
Great post!
Without my sister, these lovely ladies I blog here with, and a handful of writing friends, I would not be who or where I am today. And I doubt I would still be writing without their support.
Great post, Mary. It's good to think of ways to fortify ourselves and each other during those in-between times!
I think that is the beauty of blogs...now, if only to pull away for human interaction... :)
something about being a faceless writer, intrigues though
So true! :) I don't know where I'd be without the support and love of my friends here at Querytracker. They were some of my first blog followers, and remain some of my biggest cheerleaders.
Support from a community of writers is definitely key!
I'd be lost without my online writerly peeps!! That is my sole connection to the writing world. I WISH I could be in a local group, but there is nothing here. I've even tried to start one, and I'm the only member...LOL! There is just nothing here. So God forbid my internet shuts down! :)
Thanks, Mary! Great advice!
Congrats!!!! :)
Thanks for posting, everyone. It's good to know I'm not alone in my need for a shove now and then.
Thanks for the congrats, Laura. *blush*
Can't do this writing thing alone. The community is essential. Great post Mary!
Mary, you have a heart of gold. Your take on the Olympics really hit home with me. It's good to hear from one who is moved this way.
How wonderful and generous of you to host a retreat at your house.
Yes, we need each other, even if it's only via online communiques. Thanks for the reminder.
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