QueryTracker Blog

Helping Authors Find Literary Agents

Friday, November 13, 2009

Publishing Pulse 11/13/09

This will be the finest Publishing Pulse I have ever posted. You'll see a big reason why at the end of this post.

But first... some great QueryTracker news:

QueryTracker.net has passed a couple of big benchmarks!

QT now boasts over 20,000 members and over 200 QueryTracker success stories!
So big congratulations to Patrick!

In Publishing News:

Barnes & Noble's Nook has burst onto the e-reader scene.

Today's the new deadline for Google to submit a revised plan for their digital library to comply with copyright law, after receiving an extension on Monday.

Writer's Digest released their online list of 24 Agents Who Want Your Work

In Publishing Blogs:

Agent Miriam Goderich made a compelling case as to why you need an agent. (Hey... over 20,000 members at QueryTracker couldn't be wrong, right?)

Agent Elana Roth called for children's literature submissions.

Agent Rachelle Gardner posted a great breakdown of the business side of a book deal... with hard numbers. MUST READ!

Also on Rachelle Gardner's blog, Guest Blogger Angie Ledbetter discusses Writerly Ailments and Hazards (WAAH!). Perfect timing for mid-NaNoWriMo.

And now for my favorite part of this pulse...

The rest of the blog team and I had a knockdown, drag-out fight over who got to post today's Pulse, and here's why:

I have the honor of announcing to the QueryTracker community that our own Elana Johnson... resident Query Queen... has accepted an offer of representation from Michelle Andelman at Lynn C. Franklin Associates.

As Elana's critique partner, fellow blog mistress, unofficial fan club president, and someone lucky enough to have read her amazing work, all I can say is: Michelle Andelman is one lucky woman.

I'm sure you'll all join me in a huge to Elana!


Stina said...

Congrats, Elana! Michelle's an excellent agent. Hopefully we'll be hearing some other great news soon. :D

Unknown said...

I'm so excited for you, Elana! You deserve all the best. Thanks for the wonderful links and Happy Friday to all. :)

Sherry Dale Rogers said...

Yay Elana, I follow her blog often and I am so excited for her.

"Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!"

Ren and Stimpy love it too.

Tess said...

Lots of congrats to Elana!

MAGolla said...

WooHoo!! Congrats, Elana!!

Elana Johnson said...

Aw, thanks, QT bloggy friends. I can feel the virtual love. :)

ChristaCarol Jones said...

Yay Elana! Awesome news, congrats!!

Melanie Hooyenga said...

Congratulations Elana!

Lynnette Labelle said...

Congrats, Elana!

Lynnette Labelle

Nichole Giles said...

Elana, I can't think of a person who deserves it more. Congratulations and I wish you hearty, huge, success. I'm so excited for you!


Suzette Saxton said...

Yay Elana! I am so thrilled for you!!!

Great Pulse, Heather. :D

lisa and laura said...

Hoorah for Elana!!! Can't imagine where we'd be today if she hadn't plucked us out of obscurity in the query tracker forums!

Unknown said...

woot, woot, woot and woot!!!

Rachelle Christensen said...

Congrats QT and big kudos to Elana! Woot! woot! :)

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congratulations Elana. I wish you the best. I love your posts and am soon to try out your tip on revising a manuscript in a month.

Patrick said...

Sorry I'm a little late to the party. Big congrats Elana. You really deserve this, after all the other writers you have helped to reach this same achievement, it's about time you got yours. WOOOOOT!

Deborah Blake said...

Yay Elana!!! (Can I be next?)

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Elana.

However, it's extremely disappointing to me that the Writer's Digest list--which insists it has an agent for every one, no matter what they write--didn't have ONE agent accepting horror, scifi or adult fantasy. Guess genre doesn't exist. Unless you write urban or YA fantasy, of course. ::Shrugs shoulders::