QueryTracker Blog

Helping Authors Find Literary Agents

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Contest is Now Closed

Thank you so much for entering! Keep your eye on the blog for contest updates, and watch for more contests in the future.

If you missed entering the contest, you are welcome to query Anna Webman in the traditional fashion. You can tell her that the QTblog sent you.


Unknown said...

Wow! It was open for (what the post times say) a little less then 20 minutes.

Anonymous said...

ergh. missed my window of opportunity. dag splabbity!

Suzette Saxton said...

"dag splabbity" I love it! Think I'll adopt it as my new curse word. Thanks, Zooks!

P.S. Don't feel too bad - we'll have more contests in the future. :D

She Wrote said...

How about:
1. some contests for mystery, suspense or police procedural writers.
2. some new agents interested in new, never been published authors of female protagonists in mystery, suspense or police procedurals (or arena novels with that background).

Suzette Saxton said...

Fabulous idea, She Wrote. Thank you for the input! We always love to hear about what our readers would like to see.

Tom Kepler said...

Was all set to drop the info in at 8:00. Felt like my son in the middle of a video game!

Worked up a new synopsis over the weekend...a win situation, no matter what.

Unknown said...

Really appreciate the opportunity you guys help us obtain from time to time...thanks

Suzette Saxton said...

Thanks you guys! I love running contests, and we will definitely be having more of them in the future.

Andrea said...

Is there a specific day when the winner will be announced? And will there only be one winner?

Thanks for doing this. It's so much fun!

Suzette Saxton said...

Hi Andrea,

There will be one grand prize winner who will get to submit their full as a prize, and several runners-up. The winner will be announced sometime next week; I'm not sure of the exact date yet.


Suzette Saxton said...

P.S. You're welcome! I've had lots of fun, too.