QueryTracker Blog

Helping Authors Find Literary Agents

Friday, October 30, 2009

Publishing Pulse: 10/30/09


We’ll be having another agent-judged contest next week here on the QueryTracker Blog, so stay tuned for details on how to enter early next week!

Win a copy of BOOKLIFE: Strategies and Survival Tips for the 21st Century Writer -- visit Colleen Lindsay's blog The Swivet to enter before November 4th.


New Agent on QT: Marissa Walsh reps Children's, MG, and YA.

New Agent on QT: Jill Marr at Sandra Dijkstra is looking for commercial, historical, multicultural, thrillers/suspense, women's, and YA fiction.

Rachelle Gardner explains how she's changed what she's looking for.

Around The Web

Janet Reid gives you querying tips in a nutshell. And visit The Guide to Literary Agents for the extended version!

Rachelle Gardner teaches us All About Backstory.  She also Gardner explains The Process of Getting An Agent...from the agent's POV!

Market My Words interviews Eric from Pimp My Novel on how sales and marketing works for publishers.  Includes tips on how best to work with the publisher!

And of course, NaNoWriMo begins on Sunday. (That's National Novel Writing Month for the uninitiated -- you have to write a novel of 50,000 words or more in one month! Click the link to visit the official site and learn more.)  Who's going to play this year?

1 comment:

Stina said...

Wow, another two agents looking for YA. Not too suprising considering the tremendous growth in that market despite the recesssion. Or maybe that's because all us YA writers have been buying the books. (The number of YA writers has also grown in the past few years).

Thanks, Carolyn, for the updates.