We know you're dying for the new agent-judged contest (judged by literary agent Joan Paquette) but you'll have to wait for October 27th. Use that time to polish up your first hundred words and your one-line pitch! You can read the details here.
QT Speed Boost
Submitting to agents may be a long process, but at least searching for them has gotten faster. On Thursday, the QT server was upgraded. It now has double the RAM and computing power as before, making it that much faster for you to find your future agent.
Also, check out the two new success stories from the QueryTracker community!
Elle Stone http://QueryTracker.net/elles.php
Kevin Winchester http://QueryTracker.net/kevinwin.php
Kevin Winchester http://QueryTracker.net/kevinwin.php
Around The Web:
Nathan Bransford discusses just how much work goes into making art seem effortless.
Janet Reid recommends every writer run out and buy one of the very best books on writing ever (and for what it's worth, I agree -- I've read Betsy Lerner's The Forest For The Trees twice and intend to buy the updated edition as well.)
Mario Vargas Llosa wins the Nobel Prize in literature!
Fallout from the agency pricing model for ebooks: for the first time, some ebooks cost more than their hardback siblings. This has, of course, generated a lot of commentary about the future of ebook pricing.
Literary Quote of the Week:
"There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are." -W. Somerset Maugham
Wow, I would NEVER buy an ebook that cost more than hardback, especially since I'd rather have hardback to begin with. ;)
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Great post about news around the publishing world.
LOVE the quote. I almost spit out my coffee. ;)
Another great variety of news. Thanks for the PULSE!
LOVE the quote. Chuckle.
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