QueryTracker Blog

Helping Authors Find Literary Agents

Friday, January 8, 2010

Publishing Pulse: 1/8/2010

Welcome to our first Pulse of 2010! We've got lots of exciting stuff for you in this week's edition!

Agent News

Fine Print Literary agent Colleen Lindsay is open to queries again. Be sure to read through her submission guidelines carefully! She also details what she's looking for now (hint: high concept)!

Epstein Literary agent Kate Epstein is now accepting YA fiction and nonfiction. Read all the details here!


Andrea Brown agent Mary Kole is doing a "novel beginnings" contest over at kidlit.com. Send her up to 500 words of your completed MG or YA novel by January 31st and you could win a critique of up to 15 pages of your book! Visit her website for more details.

Sourcebooks has created a new YA imprint called Sourcebooks Fire. Between February 1 and February 28th, YA writers are invited to submit their fiction for consideration. Please read the details and rules posted at Georgia McBride's blog!

Around the Web

The Blood-Red Pencil has a great post on how to survive honest feedback (ie an "edit") from an editor. (And if you want a sneak peek at what drives editors crazy, try this post.)

Both Rachelle Gardner and Michael Hyatt posted this week on what it means if you just can't seem to find a home for your writing after months...no, years of trying. Read Rachelle's to get-it-straight, no-BS, the-reason-you're-stuck-after-all-this-time. And then limp over to Michael's page to figure out how to pick yourself up again.

On a cheerier note, St. Martin's Press recently coined the term "New Adult fiction" to refer to fiction geared toward young adults who are still figuring out what it means to be a grownup. Read more about this new genre at Guide to Literary Agents.

Have a wonderful weekend and we'll see you right here next week!


Unknown said...

Thanks again for the awesome links - Happy Friday!

Stina said...

Thanks for the links and updates. Have a great weekend!

Adele Annesi said...

Great site and info!

E. Arroyo said...

This info has come at a time when I really needed it. I think its easy to get discouraged in this field but holding on to the reality of it is crucial. Thanks!

Nishant said...

Have a great weekend!

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