The profiles of several agents were updated this week. Please make sure you double-check every agent's website or Publisher's Marketplace page before querying.

Congratulations to a writer who recently signed with an agent… Danielle L. Jensen!
And to the writers who are thisclose to signing: keep up the hard work. We look forward to seeing your success stories.
Ready to write your own success story?
Remember--you'll reach success when you find the agent who is perfect for your work. Be sure to read each agent's profile carefully and visit other links such as company websites and blogs. Follow them on social media sites and get a feeling for what they really want. The better you know the agent, the better you will know if they are the right representative for your work. Blindly querying agents without regard for their guidelines or repped genres only delay the process--not only for you but for other writers.
Using will help you become a well-informed querying writer. Use the resources to your advantage and seek the fastest, straightest path to finding your ideal agent today.
This week in publishing…
Porter Anderson provided a peek into the evolving world of writing: publishing is becoming a bigger, faster, more! world and authors are pressured to keep up with it—and may be at risk of putting out work before it’s ready.
The Creative Penn’s Joanna Penn can help you answer that essential question: who is your target audience?
Does your story need better suspense? Make the ordinary things menacing.
Writing Quote of the Week:
“Good writers who pitch beat out great writers who don’t.” —Linda Formichelli, author
Need to work on your pitch? Look at some past posts from the Query Tracker Blog:
Have a fantastic weekend!
Ash Krafton is a speculative fiction writer who, despite having a Time Turner under her couch and three different sonic screwdrivers in her purse, still encounters difficulty with time management. Visit Ash's blog at for news on her urban fantasy series The Books of the Demimonde (Pink Narcissus Press). Book Two "Blood Rush" was released May 2013. Currently, her urban fantasy novella "Stranger at the Hell Gate" (The Wild Rose Press) is available on Amazon's KDP Select.
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