Self publishing? Here are the Dos and Don'ts for a Good Self-Published PR Experience.
A challenge self-publishing authors face is the creation of the book cover. Jason Boog explains How to Make a Book Cover with Public Domain Images -- using free software.
Social Media News
Here's an interesting way to use Pinterest: post pictures and write micro-stories about them. That's what aspiring novelist Tiffany Beveridge is doing.
Having trouble getting people to your website and social media sites? Jane Friedman explains what you're doing wrong and how to fix the problem.
One of the "in" things for aspiring novelists to do is post a rough draft of a WIP. Rachelle Gardner addresses both why you might want to do it...and why you might not.
Better Writing
When you write a book, you need to hook the reader right from the first sentence. Charlie Price shows you how.
How can you end chapters to keep the reader turning pages? Tiffany Reisz shows you in Make It Stick.
Ever notice how easy it is to write characters who sound just like the author? Janice Hardy has some advice for you on how to break the pattern.
Diverse Characters, Diverse Words
Write children's books? There's an enormous need for books that include diversity, particularly related to African American and Latino kids. "This isn't only about more African American books for African American children or more Latino books for Latino kids...it's about more varied content so that all children can experience the richness of everyone's stories," said the president and CEO of FirstBook, a nonprofit that serves children in need.
I wrote an ode to thesauri back in November, and now there's another option--Power Thesaurus, which is "a crowdsourced tool for finding the best synonym or antonym." Not sure what I think about this--is the collective wisdom a help, or will we all start using exactly the same words? What do you think? Feel free to comment below!
Have a great weekend and we'll see you next week!

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