QueryTracker Blog

Helping Authors Find Literary Agents

Friday, September 10, 2010

Publishing Pulse: 9/10/10

New Agents

Denise Little has joined the Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency, and she's looking for submissions in these areas: romance, paranormal, mystery, thriller, science-fiction/fantasy, non-fiction, Christian books, and horror. (Those last two really go together, don't they? ;)


Master storyteller and former Booker Prize judge Frank Delaney (www.frankdelaney.com, @FDbytheWord) is launching his second Twitter Writing Challenge on Monday, September 13: write the best, most arresting simile you can in 140 characters or less. The winners get lunch with Delaney in NYC or a signed advance copy of his forthcoming book, "The Matchmaker of Kenmare" (Random House, February 2011). Full rules for Delaney's latest Twallenge (#FDsimile) can be found here.

Around the Web

Lots of great stuff this week!

Ever wonder if you should use a Nom de Plume?  Agent Rachelle Gardner helps you decide.

On Novel Journey, author Stephanie Morrill explains how to break your characters out of a rut and end up with A Living, Breathing Main Character.

Agent Noah Lukeman discusses whether an agent you've fired can claim a commission on your future works.

Write for teens? Author Kody Keplinger shows you how to make sure you're using teen logic to create an authentic teen story.

Molly Anderson-Childers gives you 7 Ways to Grow Your Writers’ Group over on Guide to Literary Agents.

Check out 1stTurningPoint writer Judith Laik's advice on Your [Author] Photo.

Writer Ann Charles created the 1stTurningPoint all-about-author-promotion website, and Jungle Red Writers interviewed her on what you need to do to make that jump to success.

Carolyn Kaufman, PsyD writes fantasy, scifi, and nonfiction. She loves helping writers "get their psych right" in their stories, and her book on the same topic, THE WRITER'S GUIDE TO PSYCHOLOGY: How to Write Accurately About Psychological Disorders, Clinical Treatment, and Human Behavior is now available for pre-order. Learn more about the book at the WGTP website or ask your own psychology and fiction question here.


Stina said...

I loved Kody's post. I used it in one of mine posts this week after a few writers critted my query (in a contest) and told me what the mc did wasn't logical. They were using adult logic not teen logic. All YA writers should read Kody's post.

Carolyn Kaufman | @CMKaufman said...

I'll tell you a secret, Stina. That's how I found it, through your blog. So thank you! ;-)

Ann Charles said...


Thanks for mentioning my name and my Jungle Red article (and 1st Turning Point) on your blog. I appreciate it!

Ann Charles

Stina said...

LOL. Well, that explains why you linked it this week. I just thought it was an amazing coincidence.