QueryTracker Blog

Helping Authors Find Literary Agents

Monday, April 13, 2009

Contest Continues

Because of the overwhelming interest we have received, it has been decided to continue accepting entries for the entire 24 hour period as originally stated. And everyone should thank Elana for her efforts and time she spent collecting and responding to the deluge of emails she has already received.


Danyelle L. said...

Thanks, Elana. You're awesome!

Jean Oram said...

Thanks Elana!

Mary Lindsey / Marissa Clarke said...

You certainly are awesome, Elana.

JV said...

Thank you very much!! :)

Diane said...

Thank you!! Lotsa good karma coming your way.

AvDB said...

Elana, you are as courageous as you are generous. Thank you.

Elana Johnson said...

I'm still way behind. Gotta eat and all that. I have made it through entries sent before 12:02 PM. Thanks for being patient with me through this first contest!

Tess said...

I'm not entering this go around but was afraid you would be completely buried! How wonderful of both you, Elana, and Joanna to keep it going! Good luck to everyone!

Katie Anderson said...

Thank you Elana!!!! So how many have you received??

Anonymous said...

Thanks Elana!

Abdullah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amanda Bonilla said...

Thanks Elana! You rock!

Abdullah said...

Dear Elana, Thanks. Tum Lajawab ho. May Allah bless you.

Andrew Rosenberg said...

Thank you! :)

Patty said...

Elana, you're a star! Thanks for working your socks off so a lucky writer can have the chance to be read!

Suzette Saxton said...

Elana, you rock! Dove dark coming your way. :) XOXO

Elana Johnson said...

I just want to update. You'll never guess where I am. SCHOOL. That's right. It's my Spring Break and I'm where??? There was a break-in last night and they pretty much tore down the door to the computer lab (I run the computer lab, doesn't that sound so professional?) and I had to come in and "assess the situation" and make sure nothing was taken.

Thank goodness everything is here, but you know what? I am so worried about all of you, our lovely blog readers, thinking that I'm a slacker cuz I haven't responded! I swear I will.

Bear with me. It may be very late tonight (as my dear husband showed up with Guitar Hero World Tour) just as I was leaving. You know I'm gonna have to rawk it out when I get home...

All thoughts of Dove dark and bacon and Adam Lambert are welcome and appreciated!

Thanks guys!

Susan said...

Elana, you are a wonder! Thank you for all your hard work.

C. R. Bailey said...

Best wishes for the rest of your spring break and many thanks, Elana.

Cellophane Queen said...

I decided to skip this one since I'd already queried Joanna. I am looking forward to seeing the other 1-line queries.

FYI on the loglines at Edit Torrent. Another blog worth following amongst the 10,000,000,000 your're already following:


Stina said...

Wow, I go off to see Monsters vs Aliens in 3-D (totally amazing, btw), and looks what happens. After this contest, Elana and Joanna are going to need something much stronger than Dove dark. ;)

Good luck with the computer lab situation, Elana. That's horrible.

Max said...

Thanks for all the hard work.

I was worried it would be cut off before I got home from work.

jramont said...

Thanks Elana. Sorry about the break in. What a pain. But guitar hero should give some relief.

Michelle D. Argyle said...

WOW! You guys rock. :D

Joyce Wolfley said...

Thanks Elana. This is wonderful!

Joyce Wolfley said...

Oh, and sending thoughts of sizzling, delicious bacon your way.

Mary Lindsey / Marissa Clarke said...

Dang. All this talk of bacon has me hungry. Come on over, Elana and we'll munch some down. Love bacon...and chocolate. Sorry about the break in. Go play guitar hero!

J. said...

Thank you for the hard work Elana

Caren Cote said...

Thanks a million! :)

Suzette Saxton said...

You had a break-in?!? OMG, what a crazy, crazy day. You'll need to bathe in Dove dark. I'll bet you never guessed your first day of Spring Break would be so much (ahem) fun.

Good thing you got Guitar Hero World Tour. ;) You can rock your worries (and neighbors!) away!

Elana Johnson said...

Okay, guys, I'm all caught up. Mostly because I sent copious amounts of entries to Michelle, Pat, Mary and Suzy and they've been helping me get them all entered. We sort of slacked on the whole sending you a confirmation thing, but rest assured, we got your entry.

I appreciate the kind emails you guys have sent me today. It makes this all worthwhile. I've been feeling your bacon and chocolate vibes too. They're the only reason I'm still sane. QT Blog readers rule!

:) :)

*mad love for you all*

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Elana, Thanks so much. I can't imagine how crazy this day (or technically, yesterday!) must have been for you. You seem to have handled it with patience and grace (even in the midst of the lab break-in!). You deserve a special prize. (Bacon and Dove dark chocolate, perhaps?)

Abdullah said...

Elana Zindabad!

Abdullah said...

Query Tracker Ki Jai Ho!!

On The Edge said...

I'll add my "thanks" to you Elana for all you've done collecting these entries, as well as to Joanna.

southernyankee said...

Thanks, Elana for doing this contest and all you do with QueryTracker.net!

feywriter said...

Thank you, Elana and Joanna, and everyone at QueryTracker.net. This is a great opportunity for us, and a lot of work for you.

Connie Walsh Brown said...

Thanks, Elana, for all your hard work.

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

I would be remiss if I too didn't thank you for working your bee-hind off for our benefit, Elana and everyone else who helped with this contest.

I'm sorry about your break in at school, Elana. I hope you have time for a bubble bath while you're on spring break! Relax and unwind. Forget about robbers, terrorists, and demanding contest-entering writers. :)

Rita Lorraine said...

Thanks Elana. You rock.

Elana Johnson said...

Thanks guys. And 9 AM Eastern time has come and gone, so I'm finalizing the list, checking it twice (oh, my heck, I can play Santa this way!) and getting it ready to send to Joanna!

Thanks for being such awesome blog readers and supporters! We love you guys.

Stina said...

So Elana, how many entries did you get in the end?

Hopefully you get to take a much needed break now. :)

Anonymous said...

Did someone say Adam? Now I'm hungry.

We know where you'll be tonight when Idol airs.

Crystal said...

Just wanted to offer my thanks as well to Elana, Suzette, Joanna, and everyone else who's involved with this contest. It's greatly appreciated!

Stephanie Feldstein said...

Great contest!

Have all of the confirmation emails already gone out?

childeroland said...

I'd like to add my thanks for your efforts, Elana.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Elana for all your hard work!

Anonymous said...

Same question about the confirmation E-mails--did they all go out already? Haven't heard if mine was received...

Elana Johnson said...

Stephanie and Phoeflame, *most* entries were confirmed with a thank you email. If you entered late, though, the contest was already closed. I started responding to those, but it just got to be too much, and I quit.

Your entry had to be in my inbox before 9 AM Eastern time on Tuesday, April 14 to make it in this time. Then I spent several hours getting the submissions ready to send to Joanna.

If you didn't make it this time, watch for our next contest in May. :)

Rhyanna said...

HI Elana
Thanks for taking on this task. I am just sadden that I didn't make the cut. I wonder if Joanna will do an honorable mention in the next contest. At least that will give us an uplift to keep trying, plugging away.

Have a great Weekend.