From author Beverley Kendall come some must-read survey results. Ms. Kendall is a romance author who wanted to explore the question of whether self-published authors were making a living wage, or whether the only successes belonged to a few much written-about lottery winners. Her results are thorough and fascinating!
Holiday sales slid 60% for the Nook unit of Barnes and Noble. Ouch.
They say "write what you know," and he did. It was revealed this week that the winner of a prestigious crime writing contest--and a publishing contract--was actually serving time for murder in prison.
If you write marketing blurbs for your work, you should read these statistics that BookBub put together. The book marketing website tested different copy for the books it advertises, and they reveal 5 observations about what works.
Simon & Schuster announced a new science fiction imprint called Simon451. (And if the imprint name doesn't ring any bells for you, then sci-fi is probably not your bag, baby.)
Oyster, aiming to be the Netflix of books, raised even more capital this week. So that's going to be, like, a thing soon.
Have a great weekend, people! (And thanks for allowing me that little Austin Powers reference.)

Sarah Pinneo is a novelist, food writer and book publicity specialist. Her most recent book is Julia’s Child. Follow her on twitter at @SarahPinneo.
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