New At QueryTracker:

Congratulations to our newest success stories, Matthew Adams and Alexa Donne!
This week we've added one agent to our database and updated eighteen agent profiles (that's not a joke). You can see how quickly things change in this industry, so please make sure you double-check every agent's website or Publisher's Marketplace page before sending your query.
If you're a QueryTracker premium member, then you can be notified whenever an agent or publisher profile is added or updated. If you're not a premium member, you can just check for yourself.
Around the Blogosphere:
Agents speak about their query letter pet peeves.
A search and rescue mission at the bookstore.
Sarah LaPolla gives stats for her year in queries, as does Natalie Lakosil. Janet Reid talks about thirteen things that made her happy in 2013.
Literary Quote of the Week:
"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they go by." Douglas Adams
Thanks for stopping by, and keep sending those queries!
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