QueryTracker Blog

Helping Authors Find Literary Agents

Friday, December 9, 2011

Publishing Pulse: 12/09/2011

QueryTracker Success Story

Congratulations to Stephanie Knipper!

Around the Internet

Author Rick Daley (hosted by Nathan Bransford) has a great article on what you need to know about SEO.

Editor Alan Rinzler discusses when you need an editor. He also does a great job of covering the three phases of writing in the post.

Cheryl Klein has a fun quote file on character/s that's worth taking a look at when you're crafting your own.

Author Deborah Niemann (hosted by Janet Friedman) has some excellent advice on how to confront the fear of public speaking.

And last, but not least, for a comprehensive overview on publishing matters this week, Porter Anderson's Writing on the Ether covers everything from FutureBook 2011: New Publisher Business Models to marketing vs discover in e-books.

Have a great weekend!

 Danyelle Leafty (@danyelleleafty) writes MG and YA fantasy. In her spare time, she collects dragons, talking frogs, and fairy godmothers. She can be found discussing the art of turning one's characters into various animals, painting with words, and the best ways to avoid getting eaten by dragons on her blog.


Rick Daley said...

Thanks for mentioning my post at Nathan's blog, have a great weekend!

DWei said...

I'd take a look at those articles but I'm too busy with finals. :(