QueryTracker Blog

Helping Authors Find Literary Agents

Saturday, August 23, 2008


I know I haven't been around much lately, but I have a good excuse. I've been working on a new website and at last it is ready for the public (more or less).

Though not exclusively for writers, I believe that writers can get a lot of use out of it. The site is called RallyStorm.com and it is a kind of social networking site but with a twist. RallyStorm allows users to create and manager their own forums. Invite just the people you want, or make it open to the public. A small group of testers (writers of course) have been using it quite successfully for private critique groups. RallyStorm for Writers.

I hope you will stop by and give it a try. Don't forget to drop by my profile and say hello.

Here is how one of our members (kiddoc) described it.

Basically, RallyStorm is a social networking site, in some ways similar to MySpace or Facebook.

As a Rallystorm member, you have a profile where you can include information about yourself. You can designate other users as “friends”, post comments on their profile pages, and send virtual gifts. But unlike other sites where your profile is the focus, at Rallystorm it’s just a small part of your ways to connect.

Rallystorm allows you to create and manage your own FORUMS. Your forums can be personal or public, open to anyone or invitation only.

Want to create a public forum to discuss Barack Obama or Paris Hilton or Project Runway or Knitting Techniques? Done.

Want a private forum to post pictures of your kids and talk about them with your family and friends? Sure.

Need a private site for easy group discussion by your test readers on your latest work in progress? Rallystorm can do that too.

Create a virtual Book Club. Discuss the latest breaking news. Form a Chocoholics Support Group. Pretty much anything you can think of to discuss, you can find or make a place to do it.

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