Success Story
Please congratulate Naomi Hughes on her recent success at finding an agent! You can read her interview here.
Quick Tip
Agents and publishers are gearing up for Book Expo America. Response times are likely to slow down until it's over.
Around the Internet
Consumer spending on books in 2012 was up 6.9% over 2011! (**flings confetti into the air**) Come on, economy. You can do it.
As reported on GalleyCat, the Department of Justice looked at eBook pricing before and after agency pricing took effect with five key publishers in April 2010. Very interesting reading, here.
Flying in the face of "write what you know," a 29 year old Chinese American from Queens is making waves with his novel about Mississippi. And the author has never been to Mississippi.

Sarah Pinneo is a novelist, food writer and book publicity specialist. Her most recent book is Julia’s Child. Follow her on twitter at @SarahPinneo.
1 comment:
Loved Naomi's advice :-)
Great post. Thank you for sharing all the awesome links, Sarah.
NH: Don't focus too much on landing one of your "dream agents" based on their client list or their personalities. The best agent for you is someone who loves your book and can sell it well.
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