QueryTracker Blog

Helping Authors Find Literary Agents

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How to Write a Great Query Letter

One of our long time members on the Querytracker community recently posted a link to a book that I thought deserved a mention on the blog. Thanks for this great info, Emeraldsky. Everyone who is at the stage in their writing journey where they are ready to start the query process should take a few days and read this book beforehand.

Noah Lukeman, author of The First Five Pages and former literary agent has made his book How to Write a Great Query Letter available online for free. Thanks, Noah. This book is a great resource for writers, as it gives them an inside look at what a lot of agents are really looking for in the ever-so-crucial query letter. As Mr. Lukeman states, so many writers spend months and years writing and polishing their book and then unintentionally shoot themselves in the foot by dashing off a query in a matter of minutes. Even if your work is Pulitzer-quality, no one will ever see it if you can't convince an agent with a well crafted query that it is worth their time to investigate further. I urge everyone to go to the link and get this book RIGHT NOW!! Just click on the title of this post and it will take you there. Keep writing!
